Momma and her pups were very well hidden in the shrubs |
Yesterday we were contacted by a good samaritan named Susie about a stray momma dog that gave birth to puppies over the weekend under a bush at the Cliff Manor housing facility in North Oak Cliff.
Susie learned that the momma had hidden the pups in the bushes outside the shelter and was worried that as they got old enough to be mobile they would get hit by a car or fall into the wrong hands. It should be noted that JP Bonnelly and TMHPR get numerous requests for help with stray dogs but the reason we were able to spring into action so quickly was because Susie offered to foster, so since we had a place for them to go JP and I went out there last night to catch the little family!
When we first arrived on the scene we found momma and crew tucked up under the bushes. JP tried looping her with the leash but she got scared and took off. We then placed a few of her puppies in a trap, along with some chicken strips to try and lure her in.
When momma dog came back she was happy to see a guy named Gabriel that lives at the shelter. She came up to him wagging her tail and even rolled over for a belly rub. This was the first time she let him pet her so that was great. She then went and rolled around in the grass for a bit and decided to lay down and wait us out.
Gabriel and Momma |
Then another resident named Gary decided to give it a try so walked up to her and he was also able to pet her and she rolled over for another belly rub! JP was working on getting a leash to Gary so he could loop it around her neck but the next thing we knew Gary grabbed her legs and was picking her up! So JP rushed in and was able to get the leash around her neck, she was spooked so tried to get away but JP held onto her, whew! It was a great team effort. Sidenote, rarely does this happen where a scared dog will suddenly let people pet her for the first time while we're out there trying to catch the dog so that was pretty wild that she did that twice. She was pretty overwhelmed last night but we know she'll come around and make a great family pet.
Momma dog is super cute and so are the puppies, when we rescued them there were four boys and four girls but sadly two passed away early this morning.
While we are saddened that we lost two of the little pups, this was a very rewarding rescue...we met so many nice folks at the shelter that came out to express their past concern and now gratitude that we were getting the little family to safety. Apparently someone had posted a sign saying they were going to fine people $25 for feeding her and animal control was also called but was unable to catch her. I wish we would have had someone there to film these folks as several talked about how even though they didn't have much for themselves, God put them on this planet along with all living creatures and they couldn't walk past an animal in need without doing something to help.
Gabriel, unidentified man and Gary |
We learned that momma dog has been hanging around there for 4 months and has had several guardian angels looking after her and bringing her food. These folks are going through hard times but scraped up money to feed this beautiful momma dog. It was kind of bittersweet as they talked about how they were happy she's safe now but that they're really going to miss having her around. JP told them that we'll send them updates and pictures and will also try to go back in 6 weeks or so and bring momma and a few pups to visit.
Sweet Momma Dog |
Heading to her foster home! |
Our group is overloaded with puppies so would appreciate it if you could get the word out that we'll have several available for adoption very soon! Just last week we took in a six-pack of female Heeler/Shep mixes that were abandoned on the side of a country road, ugh. In January we pulled a pregnant chi-weenie from Garland and her six-pack of pups were born Feb 7 so they'll also be ready for homes soon. As you can guess with all these puppies we desperately need more fosters as well as financial help. Folks can donate by clicking this link
http://www.razoo.com/story/Saving-Momma-Dog-And-Her-Puppies, and can get more info on fostering/adopting by visiting our website
http://www.takemehomepetrescue.com/. Thank you for your ongoing support, we couldn't do this without you!
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