Happy Mother's Day! We'd like to send out a special thank you to our foster and adoptive moms for all they do! Today we're going to post our wonderful momma dogs and cats that are available for adoption. They did a great job raising their litters and we're hoping they'll find their loving forever homes soon. Please email
info@takemehomepetrescue.com for info on adopting, thanks!
Cricket |
Cricket is the wonderful momma dog that we rescued from an abandoned house back in August. She had 8 little puppies that were about 3-4 weeks old at the time, she did a great job taking care of them in a rough area of town during weeks of 100 degree weather. She is one of the most loving dogs you will ever meet and is sure to make you smile, everyone that meets her loves her dearly yet she hasn't been adopted yet. She must be holding out for someone really special, maybe it's you?!
Brownie |
Brownie is a sweetheart that was rescued from the Garland shelter when pregnant. She raised 6 healthy pups in foster care and now is adoption pending, way to go Brownie!
Lucy did a great job raising her kittens and they've been adopted so we hope she'll be next!
Happy is happy that her kittens got adopted and she'll be even happier when her forever family adopts her!
Precious |
Precious and her newborn puppies were rescued from the bushes outside the Cliff Manor housing facility on March 22. She's a great momma and is doing great in foster care. She's going through heartworm treatment but will be ready for adoption soon (you can still email us now though for info on adopting her).
Norah |
Norah and her nine newborn puppies were rescued from the bushes outside a Church on March 26. The entire family is available for adoption. From what we were told, people fed Norah for 3-4 years when she lived on the streets of Dallas. We are so happy we were able to rescue her and her puppies. She's been a very tender and loving momma dog. She is very sweet and gentle and likes to be petted and cuddle with her foster mom. It just goes to show how resilient these dogs can be and that they just need some TLC to thrive!